
Sunny Hill Nursery

Sunny Hill Nursery

Weekly Activities

We follow the children's interests which means every day could be completely different to what was planned. If it is snowing, we will definitely be outside! A group of children might be role playing  treasure maps, which will lead onto a treasure hunt later that day. We are not tied to a timetable.

Some activities are weekly and some are daily. All children take part in a quiet mindfulness session in the afternoon. This can include listening to calming music, having a story massage, or lying still with a fidget toy resting their bodies. Some children will nap.

All activities are year round, including swimming lessons and forest school. Children take part in cooking activities, foraging, wellie walks, music and movement, rhyme time, letters sounds listening games and PE.

Currently Forest School is on a Thursday and Swimming lessons for Sweet Pea Class (pre school) are on a Tuesday afternoon. Swimming is charged as an extra.