
Sunny Hill Nursery

Sunny Hill Nursery

Tiny Talk Communication

The staff at Sunny Hill are all trained in Tiny Talk Baby communication.

Using signs along with the words to babies and toddlers allows them to communicate their needs and preferences to those who care for them before they are verbal. This reduces frustration for both child and parent.  Children who sign become confident communicators with an early understanding of how to express themselves.

Signing supports all communication and language development and particularly children with delayed language development. It allows all children to communicate with their peers.

Sunny Hill Nursery instagram posts tiny talk signs on the grid. The Daisy Class children are able to sign at meal times to communicate when they have had enough, finished or would like some more. Staff can ask a child if they can change their nappy through signing, and when stories are read, staff can sign key words.

In Sweet Pea class the children develop their knowledge of Tiny Talk signing to begin to develop story telling skills.