
Sunny Hill Nursery

Sunny Hill Nursery

All things bright and beautiful

Every child that leaves Sunny Hill believes in the magic of nature

Care and consideration for each other, our classroom and the wider planet are all important values to us at Sunny Hill. They form part of the cultural capital children need to thrive in our modern world.

Children actively participate in recycling, turning off lights and more importantly know why. Topics such as The Arctic, People Who Help Us and a strong Forest School ethos provides the children with experiences to understand our role as Eco Heroes is key to our futures. Single use plastics ceased being used in 2017. Children clean faces with Cheeky Wipe reusable and washable wipes.

We upcycle milk cartons with the children to make watering cans and reuse packaging for junk modelling activities.

Brian, Helen, Rosemary and Rachel

Our African Land Snails are a source of wonder and investigation for the children. Their home represents an ecosystem. The children put their snack peelings in the box and can observe the snails, over time, breaking down the food into compost, ready for planting our flowers and vegetables. 

Life Cycles of plants and animals

Sweet Pea class use their topic learning each year to explore life cycles. Watching the Halloween Pumpkin decompose, the seeds sprout, the new plants flower and produce pumpins, allws the children to experience nature changing over time, be that through plant growth, the seasons, weather or how they themselves grow and change.

Role Play

The pretend play in the cafes, beaches, picnics, shops, dentists, rainforests staff create in the classrooms allow children to explore what they observe in life. It is lovely to over hear a child picking up the rubbish in a role play game as well as out in the playground.