
Sunny Hill Nursery

Sunny Hill Nursery

Settling in and taster sessions

We know that getting used to new people and a new environment is a big step for children and parents. Ensuring your child is secure and happy at Sunny Hill starts with the settling in process. As all children are unique, some children will settle quickly while others take more time to feel secure.

Once registered and a start date confirmed, we will begin the process of working with parents and carers to build a positive relationship with each child and their family. 

After the All About Me Form is completed by parents, your child's key person will arrange a phone call with parents so you have an opportunity to share more detailed information about your child's interests, their routines, what is important to you and so on.  We then offer a short settling in session where your child can take part in activities they are interested in and experience part of the day. Staff will ensure your child is secure with as much 1:1 support as they need to explore and join in with the routines every day they come to Sunny Hill, not just on their first session. 

We work hard to provide a bespoke settling in process which never stops. It is important your child settles in each day and staff have all the information they need to care for your child in your absence.